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Welcome to the blog of Radiant Being ✨

Updated: Feb 2

Hello, lovely light being! It is no coincidence that you have ended up finding this blog, finding your way here tells me that our energy coincides.

For so many years I have felt the need to bite my tounge, done my best to keep my thoughts to myself in fear knowing that to most I sound like a lunatic!

Until the internet gave us the ability to connect with people all across the globe I felt as if I would always be misunderstood. I choose now to pour my thoughts out into the world seeking like minded souls.

To those that listen and still can not hear me my posts will be laughable; however, I know that I am not alone in my spiritual journey, that there are many who walk their way towards enlightenment daily... No matter which you are, one who cast stones or one that can make some sense out of what I write, I am glad you are here.

Ardent Lyricism is the writing name used by Lisa Burke or Radiant Being.

What am I doing here?

For so many years, I have fought within myself about the idea of sharing my thoughts and journal entry's, Every time I tried to sit down and put it all together, the same question would weigh heavily in my mind...

 “Why would anyone want to read what I have to say?”

Today I feel as if I can at last answer that question: It is because I am you. 

Though my thoughts, struggles, and perceptions may be different -- and no, we may not look alike -- somewhere deep inside of all beings we are the same. 

I am aware that some will not even finish reading this first blog post... Still, I know from a point so sure inside that many will find a piece or two of themselves in these words. The more you read I can only assume you will get a real feel for who I am, for my intentions are to spill my soul and spirit into this project.

My goal is not to see how many people follow me or to become anything different than I am right now. My goal is to fill the call inside, for those that hear the whispers within, the seekers of the light -- any of you who have been where I have been and for those who have not.

 I, as well as many others, have seen some dark days, weathered numerous storms, lost loved ones, and watched as a battle with drugs tricked some into disease, even if only dis-ease. 


 In this blog I will be sharing some of my journal entries, life's lessons, and realizations which sometimes may feel like a rant, for I am not a writer -- I am a thinker. 

My thoughts ended up here for lack of a better place. There is nothing special about me, not any more than there is about you. I have not yet done a thing to capture your ear with the noise of culture behind me.

 I am just an ordinary girl with something to say.


If you feel like this message resonates with you and would like to join me on this endeavor of transparency, I would love if you would follow me

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